Integrative Community Services (EPICS)
The EPICS program provides services for individuals with a history of multiple hospitalizations or incarceration, history of poor engagement with outpatient services, homeless or at risk of homelessness. Services include case management, medication support, and clinical interventions to help stabilize them at the lowest level of care in the community.
Crisis Residential Program (CRT)
The CRT provides short term, voluntary residential service as an alternative to hospitalization for individuals experiencing a mental health crisis. The program provides short-term intensive services to ensure stabilization and transition back into the community.
Assist / Assisted Outpatient Treatment
ASSIST provides treatment to individuals with serious mental illness who have difficulty living safely in the community and who have declined mental health care and/or have struggled to engage in mental health treatment in the past. There is the potential for court-ordered treatment when circumstances warrant. The program helps to promote wellness and recovery in the least restrictive environment and reduce the cycle of psychiatric hospitalizations, homelessness and incarcerations that commonly are associated with a reluctance to accept mental health treatment.
Transitions serves transitional age youth (TAY), ages 16-25, who are diagnosed with a serious and persistent mental Illness. Transitions provides psychiatric treatment, individual therapy, case management, group treatment, and rehabilitation services. Services are field based services within homes, community, and the TAY Wellness and Recovery Center.
Adult Mental Health Court
The Mental Health Court provides mental health treatment services and support services to adult mentally ill offenders who have co-occurring disorders in a formal probation setting. These services include assessment, outpatient therapy, crisis services and linkages to community services.