Supporting Health • Preventing Harm
If you are looking for resources in the community, please take a look below. There are more resources available in Ventura County than most people realize. We will be continually adding to this resource list, so check back regularly.
Learn more:
Ventura County Responds
Prescription painkiller and heroin abuse has created a public health crisis. This website tracks what is being done in Ventura County to address the opioid crisis and provides the latest information for prescribers and community members. Find resources for preventing overdose, getting help, and medication safety at home.
Marijuana FactCheck
Stay up to date with cannabis and our kids' health and safety. Here you will find a compilation of the latest findings and research. We encourage you to visit this site to explore, to share and to have the facts – allowing you to best make the decisions possible for you and your family.
Vaping FactCheck
What you need to know about teens & vaping. Latest news & updates regarding the vaping health alert and local policy. Includes information and resources for parents, as well as contact information for vaping cessation programs.
Ventura County Limits
We are involved in outreach in our communities, educating and increasing awareness about the risks and realities of alcohol and drug misuse and abuse. Read about our Prevention Services initiatives and our work in Ventura County.
Social Determinants of Health
Resources for promoting healthy communities, where everyone has the opportunity to live a healthier life, no matter who we are, where we live, or how much money we make.