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Addiction is treatable.
Recovery from drug and alcohol problems starts with a call or an email.
Anyone can get addicted.
People from all backgrounds can experience addiction. Addiction doesn’t care how old you are, how much money you make, or the color of your skin; it has no bias.
Is it affecting daily life?
When drugs or alcohol are used so often that they have significant negative effects on your life, this is called a substance use disorder.*
Has substance use led to you or someone you know...
- Being out of work and couch surfing?
- Doing poorly in school?
- Crashing a car?
- Coping with mental illness by self-medicating?
- Risking losing custody of children?
Help is available.
Ventura County Behavioral Health provides a continuum of care for substance use problems, with six locations and a wide range of treatment options for achieving and maintaining recovery.
No Cost or Low Cost
- Sliding scale depending on need
- Treatment services are free if under age 18
- Staff can assist with insurance eligibility, Covered California, Medi-Cal, and paperwork
Treatment Services
Ventura County ACCESS staff will help determine which treatment options are needed.
- Outpatient Services
Counseling and therapeutic strategies
- Residential Treatment
Residential care for rehabilitation services in a non-institutional setting
- Withdrawal Management (Detox)
Intake, observation, medication services and discharge services
- Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)
- Case Management
Assistance in accessing medical, social, educational, vocational or other community services
- Recovery Services
Ongoing aftercare support
- Specialized programs for women, youth, and people who are justice-involved